

作者:  来源:科研楼3120会议室  发布日期:2023-04-18  浏览次数:

近期,克罗地亚奥西耶克农业研究所研究员Valentina Spanic博士及其博士生Jurica Duvnjak应邀来校进行小麦抗逆研究等方面的学术交流。为了促进双方的了解,进一步加强合作研究,兹举办“中国-克罗地亚小麦抗逆论坛”,欢迎参加。

会议时间:2023年4月19日 14:30~18:00




Title of Presentation

Valentina Spanic

Agricultural Institute Osijek, Croatia

Breeding Wheat for FHB Resistance in Croatia

Jurica Duvnjak

Agricultural Institute Osijek, Croatia

Different response of wheat varieties to drought stress by chlorophyll a fluorescence and stress hormones

Zhang Hong

College of Agronomy, NWAFU

Exploitation, analysis and utilization of resistance genes in wheat

Cui Chunge

College of Agronomy, NWAFU

The fine mapping of dwarf gene Rht5 in bread wheat and its candidate gene analysis

Zhao Zhangchen

College of Agronomy, NWAFU

The interactions of Rht15 and Rht1 complement some of their negative effects on agronomic traits in durum wheat

Dong Qingfeng

College of Agronomy, NWAFU

Evaluation of drought resistance in winter wheat varieties based on principal component analysis

Lu Shan

College of Agronomy, NWAFU

Genome-wide association study reveals candidate genes for carbon isotope discrimination in common wheat

Lu Qiumei

College of Agronomy, NWAFU

The Effect of Exogenous GA3 on the grain filling process of semi-dwarf gene Rht4 and the fine mapping of Rht4 in bread wheat


