
Juan Chen , Lei Fan , Ya Du , Weining Zhu , Ziqin Tang , Na Li , Dapeng Zhang ,Linsheng Zhang Temporal and spatial expression and function of TaDlea3 in Triticum aestivum during developmental stages under drought stress

作者:  来源: DOI:10.1016/j.plantsci.2016.08.010  发布日期:2016-08-24  浏览次数:


Temporal and spatial expression and function of TaDlea3 in Triticum aestivum during developmental stages under drought stress

Juan Chen , Lei Fan , Ya Du , Weining Zhu , Ziqin Tang , Na Li , Dapeng Zhang ,Linsheng Zhang

Plant Science




Abstract:  Drought stress is a major factor limiting wheat growth and productivity. Late  mbryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins are tolerant to water-related stress. To reveal the regulatory mechanisms of LEA proteins under drought stress, we cloned a novel group 3 LEA gene, namely, TaDlea3, from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Shaanhe 6. Subcellular localization assay showed that TaDlea3 protein accumulated in the cytoplasm. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction results revealed that TaDlea3 expression was induced by drought stress. Western blot results indicated that TaDlea3 protein expression gradually increased with drought stress during four different developmental stages. Under normal conditions, no obvious phenotype difference was observed between the transgenic and wild-type seedlings. Meanwhile, the overexpression of TaDlea3 in Arabidopsis resulted in enhanced tolerance to drought stress, as determined by the assessment of antioxidant enzyme activities. Our results provide a basis for highly detailed functional analyses of LEA proteins and offer a promising approach for improving the tolerances of wheat cultivars to  drought stress through genetic engineering.
